Make programming easier!
Ipsunflez is a Content Management System (CMS), besides, it is a Site builder and programme builder too. Furthermore, it is extremely light weight (about 0.7M), Can intergrate with other programmes, and so many other features...
Extremely Light weight
Ipsunflez is about 0.7M only.
Many views
You can view your web pages tables in more than 8 views.
You can develop Ipsunflez into many softwares.
Easily create table
You can easily create tables, duplicate records without using phpmyadmin.
Can intergrate with many system
Ipsunflez can be intergrated with many systems.
Written in php & mysql
Ipsunflez is written in php & mysql, can install in many websites.
Multi language
Ipsunflez is multi language ready.
Create light weight program
Program created using ipsunflez also light weight.
Can intergrate part of 3rd party program
You even can intergrate only part of a 3rd party instead of full program to save memory space.
No need to write SQL statement for 1 to 1 link table
No need to write complex SQL statement for a 1 to 1 link table(build in selected field).
Easier future development
Ipsunflez is written in simple php, it can be further developed easily.
Can assign user authority for pages
Can assign user authority for pages to view.
Easy to modify
Write in simple php (not OPP), can be easily modify by beginner. Furthermore, just imaging go through a 0.7M system compare with a 7M system.